wild Strawberry

wild Strawberry

Wild strawberry or Alpine Strawberry (Fragaria vesca)

These are day neutral, grows well in Indian weather. These grows in wild propagate very fast.

Wild strawberry fruit are small in size red color and very sweet. These fruit through out year, but not like commercial verities. They grow in cluster and under right condition will spread quickly just like a weed.

here's a secret

As I told before they grow in wild as weed, their requirements are simple. Rules are simple few plants like regular pruning, checking,cleaning and maintenance and few once plant properly don't want you to disturb them.These belongs to the second type. So if you want amazing results heres a secret. once you plant them properly don't disturb them and let them grow. And soon you will discover that they have covered near by place and covered with red small sweet strawberries like magic.

SOIL: Light soil with lot of organic contents.

SUNLIGHT: They like semi sun and humidity.


WATER: Regular, they like moist soil. over watering will kill them.

PLACE: You can grow in pots,hanging pots or in garden best place is near tree or heavy bushes again they like a bit protected place.

****These are easy to grow varity, grows really quick and very easy to maintain too.***

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Email: nicksgardenss@gmail.com



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